Thursday, November 15, 2012

One Agent for Change: Agent for Change

One Agent for Change: Agent for Change

Congratulations to Mrs. Marly Silverman, on her new blog! Marly has literally SAVED MY LIFE, four or five times over the past 5 years. We started RESCIND, INC, and "MAY 12th, International Awareness day for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, Fibromyalgia Syndrome, Gulf War Illnesses, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic LYME Disease in 1992, with just 8 supporters, and four of them were Nurses! Now, 24 years later, we have more than 200 PAGES of listings on GOOGLE relating to May 12th as International Day of Awareness for "CIND" and NEIDS. that stands for Chronic Immunological and Neurological Diseases and Neuro-endocrine Immune Dysfunction Syndromes. And we could NOT have accomplished this without visionaries like Mrs. Marly Silverman! BEST OF LUCK with your NEW Venture! Muento Obrigado! and Tchau, Ciao for Now! xooxo TMH.